Compared with HCs (corrected cluster P-value < 0.05), FD patients had significantly higher FCS in the right middle frontal gyrus before meals and higher meal-induced FCS in the left postcentral gyrus. HCs had greater meal-induced activation in the right precuneus and a...
In this study, we demonstrated specific involvement of the left ventrolateral and ventral anterior thalamic nuclei in lesions associated with language impairments. Connected to these thalamic nuclei, we observed left-lateralized functional projections involving the inferior frontal gyrus’ pars triangularis an...
strongly left-lateralised network, encompassing left inferior frontal gyrus, and left posterior middle and inferior temporal cortex (Jackson2021; Noonan et al.2013). The resting-state functional connectivity between these semantic control sites is stronger in the left hemisphere compared with the right ...
All effect regions were located in the SN (e.g., the AI and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex), LN (e.g., the supramarginal gyrus, precentral and postcentral gyri, anterior and opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus)26, and DMN (e.g., the posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus, ...
while they reported reduced ODI with age in fronto-parietal regions. These opposing patterns in cortical and subcortical regions may reflect age-related reductions of neocortical dendritic spine density96with accompanying compensatory increases in the dendritic extent of dentate gyrus granular cells97,98....
A 54‐year‐old man developed Broca's aphasia with apraxia of speech that resolved into pure apraxia of speech within 3 weeks following infarction of the postcentral gyrus. The diagnosis of apraxia of speech was based on the patient's effortful, slow speech and inconsistent phonetic di...
GG-carriers have a thicker left postcentral cortex than A-carriers, which has not been reported in previous neuroimaging studies. In the 1930s, Penfield et al. [39] used electrical stimulation to map somatosensory cortex areas, and the postcentral gyrus was considered to play a central role in...
Being language a paradigm of structural and functional asymmetry in cognitive processing, the left Inferior Frontal Gyrus has been consistently related to speech production. In fact, it has been considered a key node in cortical networks responsible for different components of naming. However, isolating...
stream involved some cortical areas, including the pars opercularis, pars triangularis, and pre-and postcentral regions, mainly located in the frontoparietal lobes, while the ventral stream mainly consisted of the lateral temporal lobe, extending into the posterior-inferior frontal gyrus pars orbitalis...