But first, the boys get prepped for Huntsville. THEN, Passengers spend four hours seated next to a dead woman on a Qatar Airlines flight, a Meme Coin Rug Pull ends with a deadly live stream, a Florida Man armed with a Chucky Doll is arrested for causing chaos, a severed human hand fal...
meme pack 15d 138 Generic Students (HOTD) Common Infected (AS IS) 18d 1148 rare autoshotgun 18d 122 goozy tank 18d 64 d.va 18d 63 Director Intensity Graph Enabler for L4D1 22d 98 cartoon sniper 1mo 147 venom pistol 1mo 211 yoshi smoker ...
To go to social media and post a meme that says, “I’m better than you because I love the planet,” just reeks of privilege. Just because you can afford it doesn’t mean everyone can. Poor people don’t get to choose whether they drive a gas guzzler or something with a lithium ...
which is why coming up with solutions when their toddlers aren’t having the most fun feels very important so the entire trip isn’t ruined for everyone. Well, oneTikTok couplefound themselves having a hard time enjoying their cruise because their toddlers weren’t enjoying themselves. The solut...
Meme: John Oliver on Ferguson Police August 18, 2014 The Ferguson Military Hollywood Fantasy August 17, 2014 Insomniac Edition: Veruca Salt – It’s Holy (2014) August 17, 2014 War On Drugs, The Rise Of Police Militarization August 17, 2014 QUOTE: Melissa Harris-Perry: Curtailing The Rights...
What's noteworthy is that IU was aware of Kim Chae Won's "Become My Companion meme," which was from LE SSERAFIM's first solo concert when Kim Chae Won made an adorable mistake. Instead of the usual catchphrase, "FEARNOT, Be my companion!" Kim Chae Won fumble...
I have a bit of a shameful fast food habit which, not only keeps me grounded and humble, but keeps my packet drawer stocked with only the finest single-serve condiments. McDonald’s is stingy with their sweet and sour sauce, but Taco Bell is positively generous with their hot sau...
courtesy of bluesky save save when i first signed up for twitter, in july of 2013, i never could have imagined all the things i would eventually gain from it—among them my first job in new york media, an introduction to my current partner, and a seemingly incurable case of meme brain...
I know many a Christian preacher has staked their sermons to the “peace on earth” meme, and has almost promised that if Christians ran the world we would have peace. So sadly mistaken they are. “Communism stands for peace!” was heard all throughout the 80’s. The only thing to ...
where it is the subject of innumerable conferences and symposia. Whether or not it will turn out to be a concept of enduring significance or a passing intellectual meme remains to be seen, but a growing body of critique is emerging from within both the humanities and the environmental movement...