Friends lived in those houses. I had eaten meals and spent time there; I had worked on some of these farms, lending a hand during a peak harvest, helping a family friend for a day or two. The houses and lands looked the same, and I could picture the gentle faces and hear familiar ...
Congress, the Solicitor General, and the Path of Reapportionment Litigation The Supreme Court's decision in Baker v. Carr (1962) unleashed the reapportionment revolution, and it was largely driven by litigation in the lower federal courts, with additional guidance by the Supreme Court. That litig...
Byline: by Chris Grayling JUSTICE SECRETARYTHE professional campaigners of Britain are growing in number, taking over charities, dominating BBC programmes and swarming around Westminster. Often, they are better paid than the people they lobby as they articulate a Left-wing vision which is neither ...
In the past, courts have allowed so-called "disparate impact" cases and the Supreme Court will decide whether to continue to allow them.Scotusblognotes that during the argument, the liberal justices defended the practice, while most of the conservatives -- including moderate Justice Anthony Kennedy...
“My family has been subjected to unrelenting attacks and threats, motivated solely by a desire to hurt me—the worst kind of partisan politics. Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe these attacks will end,” Biden said in a statement released as the inauguration ceremony was underway at...
In criminology, a social democratic, or 'left' realism has been developed by a group of intellectuals, in sympathy with the parties of the social democratic left, who seek to challenge the hegemony in left discourses of Marxist and neo-Marxist analyses of crime and the justice system. In ...
Here is the thing, folks, and a lesson so many of us need to learn immediately. We have something called a criminal justice system in this country consisting of three parts: police, courts, and correction. Vengeance isn't justice and shouldn't be made into popular entertainment. ...
As courts prepare to challenge Trump'sbroad claims of presidential authority, his supporters are railingagainst perceived judicial overreach— and insist “the president’s orders are well within the powers outlined in the Constitution’s second section on the executive branch." ...
"We found that 75% of those who died in the Jail since January 2021 had a current mental health diagnosis or reported a history of mental illness," the report said. Justice Department investigators noted in their findings that Fulton County and the sheriff sought to remedy some of the issues...
有个网上的meme,写说“human right,human left”。意指如果强调自由的人权,大家还是随意上街随意戴不戴口罩的话,那就人命就没了。后来加拿大也发生了货车司机起义事件,抵制政府要求货车司机接种新冠疫苗的防疫政策。这些声音都被视为在covid疫情中,北美更加“human right”的信号。但是在堕胎议题上却好像完全反过来了...