The idea that people who are left handed are naturally disposed to evil has been around for as long as we have recorded history. The Devil is mostly portrayed as left handed. The Bible mentions right handedness positively over 100 times, while left handedness is mentioned only 25 times and ...
a shield would have to be in the left hand to defend it and any weapon therefore had to be held in the right, which became the dominant hand. Recent theories have included one that right-handedness is the normality and left-handedness is a deficiency which results from a traumatic birth...
Left-handedness is twice as common in twins than in the general population.[8] Phrases in English suggest a negative view of left-handedness. For example, a “left-handed complement” is actually an insult. A “left-handed marriage” is not a marriage but an adulterous sexual liaison, as...
I often wonder why my parents didn't correct my left-handedness. I write left-handed and use chopsticks and fork left-handed. (I also hold my chopsticks funny, much to my mom's chagrin.) However, I have a weird hybrid way of knitting (I hold the yarn in my left hand, but I als...
My son, Jon-Jon, who was 6 at the time of writing this, had been a little reluctant to write, even though he had learned all his letters and numbers. I wondered if his reluctance was a "boy-thing", a "maturity-thing" or whether his left-handedness was making writing difficult. I...