On the other hand, low serum FT3 level has been identified as a strong predictor for adverse outcomes in numerous cardiovascular diseases, including both acute decompensated and chronic stable heart failure [5,6,7], dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies [8,9], as well as acute coronary syn...
Since the CTM method only requires arterial waveform and electrocardiogram (ECG), it can eventually be adopted as a simple smartphone-based device, an inexpensive hand-held device, or perhaps (with future design modifications) a wearable sensor. Such devices, combined with this method, would allow...
coli cells, in which an ectopic origin termed oriZ was integrated in the right-hand replichore. Two major obstacles to replication were identified: (1) head-on replication–transcription conflicts at highly transcribed rrn operons, and (2) the replication fork trap. Here, we describe ...
A hybrid EEG-EMG BMI improves the detection of movement intention in cortical stroke patients with complete hand paralysis. In Proceedings of the 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Honolulu, HI, USA, 18–21 July 2018. 18. ...