Left frontal eye field; Interhemispheric differences; Rhythmic frontal activity; Frontal oscillations; Synchrony; Noise; Neural coding strategies; Visual performance; Rhythmic noninvasive brain stimulation Corresponding author. CNRS-INSERM-Université Pierre et Marie Curie. ICM, Equipe Cognition, ...
Previously, we reported that 2 sessions of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (a-tDCS), a form of non-invasive brain stimulation, applied over the left frontal eye field (FEF) showed an improvement in the clinical markers of CI. This prospective, double-masked study investigated ...
(2012). Causal contributions of the left frontal eye field to conscious perception.Cerebral Cortex, 24(3), 745-753. Recuperat el 2 de gener de 2015, a http://www.researchgate.net/ profile/Pedro_Paz-Alonso/publication/233750827_Causal_Contributions_of_the_Left_ Frontal_Eye_Field_to_Conscious...
In the current study, we aimed to explore the effects of 30Hz oscillation patterns induced by rhythmic rTMS on the right and left Frontal Eye Fields, a region involved in attentional spatial orienting, and analyzed the impact of such intervention on visual discrimination and detection performance. ...
a武松在“三碗不过冈”酒店吃了十八碗酒后,酒力发作,忽听混乱,树背后扑地一声响,跳出一只吊睛白额大虫来。武松两只手就势把大虫揪住,一只脚往大虫面门上、眼睛里乱踢,左手紧紧地揪住顶花皮,挥动起铁锤般的拳头,尽平生之力打死了老虎。 Wu Song the hotel has eaten 18 bowls of liquors after “three bowls...
(postcentral, frontal eye fields and precentral ventral region), while it has only 11 in the right hemisphere (lacking the precentral ventral region and sporting only 8 postcentral parcels, opposed to 9 in the left hemisphere). These differences might give rise to local resting-state functional ...
These hemispheric processing differences result in performance differences within the left and right visual fields. Given there are attentional and perceptual differences based on visual field positioning, it is possible that distractors differentially draw upon attentional resources, based upon their ...
We speculate that adjustment of head position and eye movements may play a similar role in mammals with frontal vision as does the choice for right or left lateral visual fields in animals with laterally placed eyes. A first attempt ... G Vallortigara,LJ Rogers,A Bisazza - 《Brain Research...
Optimization of multifocal transcranial current stimulation for weighted cortical pattern targeting from realistic modeling of electric fields. Neuroimage. 2014;89:216–25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.12.002. Article PubMed Google Scholar Miranda PC, Mekonnen A, Salvador R, Ruffini ...
Several cortical and sub-cortical regions are implicated in the orienting of voluntary saccadic eye movements, including lateral intraparietal areas, the frontal eye fields and the superior colliculus (see Schall & Cohen, 2011 for a recent review). It is clear from numerous studies that where ...