Also found in:Medical,Idioms,Wikipedia. (lĕft′brānd′)alsoleft-brain(-brān′) adj. 1.Having the left brain dominant. 2.Of or relating to the thought processes, such as logic and calculation, generally associated with the left brain. ...
upon which so many of the questions in my Honors Colloquium test focused, and upon which the whole class based the entirety of their analyses of their test results. The natural inference is that people whose left brains are dominant must be good at analytical skills...
根据第二段第二句A person with a dominant right brain was generally seen as creative, intuitive, and artistic, a person who valued flexibility over stability. 一个右脑占主导地位的人通常被认为具有创造性、直觉性和艺术性,他们更看重灵活性而不是稳定性。可知,根据之前的理论,那些更依赖右半脑的人往往...
The Effect of Music on Human Health and Brain Growth What Is Mind Blanking? Tips to Get Rid of That Foggy Feeling How to Identify an INFJ Personality Facts About the Tongue You Might Not Know
dominant firm's customers -- who are presumably now facing the possibility of being overcharged later on -- and obtain a contract to supply their needs at a more competitive price, thus undercutting and thwarting any threat of monopoly pricing. These companies have the advantage that they...
So I found a test and after taking it, my score stated thatI am 39.6 % right brain and 60.4% left brain.I’m fascinated with my own brain! Let’s measure your left brain and right brain too.Take the testand then come back with your score and tell us!
About 90% of all people are right-handed and correspondingly left-hemisphere-dominant. In addition, most left-handed people are also left-hemisphere-dominant. Although truly left-handed people naturally tend to have right hemisphere dominance, for some of them congenital injury to their left hemisph...
The same process occurs with vision — what our left eye "sees" is processed by the right rear of the brain. [10 Things You Didn't Know About the Brain] Although the two halves of our brain have broadly similar anatomy, certain tasks tend to be handled by one side of the brain more...
The right hand and eye could name an object, such as a pencil, but the patient could not explain what it was used for. When shown to the left hand and eye, the patient could explain and demonstrate its use, but could not name it. Further studies showed that various functions of though...