"Left Behind" is the nineteenth episode of season 29 of The Simpsons and the six-hundred and thirty-seventh episode overall. It originally aired on May 6, 2018. The story was written by Al Jean and the teleplay was written by Joel H. Cohen and John Frink
Left Behind puede referirse a dos episodios: "Left Behind" (Arrow), el décimo episodio de la tercera temporada de Arrow. "Left Behind" (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), el noveno episodio de la primera temporada de DC's Legends of Tomorrow.
What We Left Behind – Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a documentary, taking a retrospective look at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, its influence, meaning, and legacy. The documentary was produced by 455 Films and directed by Ira Steven Behr a
But the ‘Left Behind’ series is not a fringe phenomenon, and the story is not treated as fiction by many of its readers.”27 While one would be hard pressed to establish any direct relationship between the popularity of these Rapture narratives and the fear of being technol...
Badger appeared in the original pilot "Serenity" and in "Shindig", with a return in the comic book series Serenity: ThoseLeft Behind. WikiMatrix É o terceiro filme da série com base nos livrosLeft Behindde Tim LaHaye e Jerry B. Jenkins. ...
Among the characters involved with the Left 4 Dead series are a number of Non-Playable Characters that help—or, in some cases, hinder—the Survivors along the way. Often, they are either a roadblock forcing a Crescendo Event or they are a "good Samarita
"Make your way through the swamps to a plantation house where a boat is coming to save you." Swamp Fever is Left 4 Dead 2's fourth campaign (originally the third, with The Passing DLC shifting campaign order). Swamp Fever spans four long chapters and tak
Behind the Scenes A Witch during initial game development. Originally, the Witch was to attack the entire group upon being startled. However, this was cut from the final game because it was deemed too difficult, as she would often wipe out the whole group with little trouble.[3]Despite only...
(found at the same cabin, at behind of the cabin) Find me at the old mill, I build it myself, it has a bunker -Daniel (Apparently, this refer to the mill/water wheel the survivors encountered at the beginning of the campaign) \\ignore him, he's mad (Found at the red two-st...
Boxplots of the time delay values between right and left STBs. See caption of Fig.9for details. STBs on the left side are lagging behind those on the right side (negative delays), as also clear from Fig.4to Fig.7. The number of measurements N is ≤ 20 because the peak of ...