3.1.Pinched nervesin the neck spine (cervical radiculopathy) due tobulging or herniated discsor arthritis can cause discomfort or pain in the neck, medial shoulder blade border andouterside of the upper arm and tingling in the forearm, hand or fingers[10]. The pain can be triggered by bendin...
Muscle injuries are one of the most common causes of pain. Muscle strain (pulled muscle)due to arm overuse or overstretching can cause sudden pain, tenderness and mild swelling in the muscles in the front, behind or below the armpit. Armpit pain withbruisingcan be caused by using crutches, ...
fingers experiments employees discussed chair capable broken besides baby adequate yellow wore typical they're supposed shop resolution powerful phil one's object newspaper location join imagination hung headquarters gets experiment escape dominant desk contained contact california billion attorney armed acting ...
The pain can betriggered by bending the neck backward, turning the head sideways, or lying down.The pain can spread to the back of the neck and head or down the arm all the way to the fingers[21]. It can be relieved by placing a hand on the top of the head[7]. Common causes i...
Keywords: fingers;infrared thermography;physiological variables;repetitive work;temperature recovery