To test this hypothesis, based on a computer model with a three dimensional whole-heart anatomical structure, we simulated the cardiac exciting sequence map and 12-lead ECG caused by the block in the left anterior fascicle and by the slowed conduction velocity in the ventricular myocardium. The ...
Theanatomyof the coronary circulation varies among individuals but most patients have similar distributions of the major epicardial vessels. The left main-stemcoronary arteryarises from the leftcoronary sinusand divides after a short distance into the left anterior descending (LAD) and the left circumfl...
Among the LBFP subgroups, left septal (LSFP) and posterior (LPFP) fascicles were significantly more prevalent than left anterior (LAFP) in LBFP (46.8%, 41.0% and 12.2% respectively). Regarding the baseline characteristics, the procedural performance and the electrical synchrony parameters, there ...
A conduction delay or block in both the left posterior and the left anterior fascicles of the left bundle. A supraventricular impulse activates theright ventriclefirst through the rightbundle branch. Leftventricular depolarizationis delayed. • ...
Define Left renal vein. Left renal vein synonyms, Left renal vein pronunciation, Left renal vein translation, English dictionary definition of Left renal vein. Noun 1. renal vein - veins that accompany renal arteries; open into the vena cava at the level