left-wing adjectivesocialist,communist,red(informal),radical,leftist,liberal,revolutionary,militant,Marxist,Bolshevik,Leninist,collectivist,TrotskyiteThey said they would not be voting for him because he was too left-wing. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. ...
The events which occurred in northern Morocco in April 1925 as a result of the outbreak of war' provoked a lively public debate across the political spectrum both at local and national level in France. The reactions of the Left in Lyons to this colonial issue mirrored in part national ...
Loony left actually has British origins. It’s one of the most beloved political slams of the British Right. Loony left made its first appearance in the 1980s and has remained a staple of the Tory-supporting press to the present day FromDog Whistles, Walk-Backs, and Washington Handshakes©...
Whereas considerable scholarship has examined how political institutions and Right-wing organizations have responded to these questions, little research has focused on the Left. This article examines the multicultural politics of the latter by considering ethnographically the experience of Bologna, the show...
The LeftValues Quiz measures and analyzes various aspects of left-wing political, social and economic viewpoints over the course of 72 questions, with seven axes of values. LeftValues is based upon8values. Contributions The primary way of contributing to LeftValues is through translating into other...
填写下表。我们的域名专家将在 24 小时内为您报价。 名字* 姓氏* 电子邮件* 电话* 中国 提交并点击“获取价格”,即表示您同意我们的隐私政策。获取价格 欲知价格?敬请致电! 400-842-8492 +1 339-222-5134(或联系我们的美国客户支持) 不分享我的个人信息|隐私设置 技术支持 English...
left, right and centre; left and right(US) →adiestraysiniestra, adiestroysiniestro(Sp) they owe money left, right and centre→debendineroa todos,tienendeudaspordoquier C.N 1.(=left side) →izquierdaf turn it to the left[+key, knob] →gíraloa la izquierda ...
"I want to reintroduce America to the best of itself – the dignity, courage and creativity of precious everyday people," West declared on his People's Party website. The history of American presidential politics is littered with failed third-party attempts. But some have ...
2024 The criticism encapsulated an ongoing culture war that has played out on social media between the right and left of the political spectrum. Ryan Hogg, Fortune Europe, 3 Dec. 2024 The right, meanwhile, responded with reactionary gender politics, accusing the left of trying to destroy ...
left 3 of 3 past and past participle of leave Medical Definition left adjective ˈleft : of, relating to, or being the side of the body in which the heart is mostly located also : located nearer to this side than to the right More...