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"It's dead!" "Dead." (2 versions) "Got 'em." (2 versions) "Done like dinner." "Bulls-eye." (2 versions) "That's a hit!" "Hit!" [Responding to Ellis claiming a kill] Ellis: "Mine!" Nick: "I don't think so Ellis." Ellis: "That was me!" Nick: "Bullshit!"Another...
Nick 职业赌徒 年龄:35 出生地:未知 从一个城市到另一个城市的漂流生涯、在地下赌博的纸牌间不断寻...
一共四名;一中分别是 比尔(那老头) 路易斯(那光头)佐伊(女) 弗朗西斯(满身纹身的)二中是 coach(胖子) nick(那穿西服的)rochelle(女) ellis(带帽子的)
A lifetime of drifting from city to city, finding back-alley card games and trying to stay out of jail has taught Nick two valuable lessons: Don’t trust anyone, and look out for number one. He’d come down to Savannah looking for some gullible fish on the riverboat gambling cruise cir...
【left4dead2】芝士汉堡快餐与Nick的“短暂时刻” 安特席德 2022-06-27 13:37 Nick自驾游在桥的另一头发现了其他的旅游团,从旅游团口中得知Nick们需要抵御芝士汉堡的进攻并为发动机加满油...点赞0评论0评论0打开App
一般是四名主角,比尔,佛朗西斯,佐伊,路易斯 对抗模式下能扮演被感染者,boomer,hunter,smoker,tank 二代的话扮演的四名主角是Ellis,Coach,Nick,Rochelle 对抗模式能扮演的感染者有boomer,hunter,smoker,jockey,spitter,charger,tank
求生之路2 Left 4 Dead 2的评论。方便粘贴复制 一代人物:比尔——Bill ;佐伊——Zoey ;路易斯——Louis ;弗朗西斯——Francis 二代人物:西装——Nick ;黑妹——Rochelle ;黑胖教练——Coach ;帽子——Ellis 常见感染——Common Infected ...
Nicolas (also more commonly known as Nick) is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2. He is a gambler and with a shady and violent past. He seems to take a role as "the complainer" (much like Francis), finding mistakes in many people's plans