class Solution: @lru_cache() def superEggDrop(self, K: int, N: int) -> int: if K == 1: return N if N == 0 or N == 1: return N ans = N # 暴力枚举从第 i 层开始扔 for i in range(1, N + 1): ans = min(ans, max(self.superEggDrop(K - 1,...
1//N层楼中扔鸡蛋,找到最坏情况下,鸡蛋恰好不碎的楼层,所需的最少实验次数2classSolution {3public:4intsuperEggDrop(intK,intN)5{6memo.clear();7returndp(K,N);8}9private:10intdp(intK,intN)11{12//base case13if(K==1)returnN;14if(N==0)return0;15//检索备忘录,若备忘录中有相应的状态...
鸡蛋掉落详解 Super Egg Drop · Issue #42 · Shellbye/ 你将获得 T 个鸡蛋,并可以使用一栋从 1 到 N 共有 N 层楼的建筑。 每个蛋的功能都是一样的,如果一个蛋碎了,你就不能再把它掉下去。 你知道存在楼层 F ,满足 0 <= F <= N 任何从高于 F 的楼层落下的鸡蛋都会碎,从 F 楼层或比它低的楼层落...
* * * algorithms * Hard (28.88%) * Likes: 622 * Dislikes: 0 * Total Accepted: 43K * Total Submissions: 148.9K * Testcase Example: '1\n2' * * 给你 k 枚相同的鸡蛋,并可以使用一栋从第 1 层到第 n 层共有 n 层楼的建...
887 Super Egg Drop 鸡蛋掉落 Description: You are given k identical eggs and you have access to a building with n floors labeled from 1 to n. You know that there exists a floor f where 0 <= f <= n such that any egg dropped at a floor higher than f will break, and any egg drop...
94.扔鸡蛋(Super Egg Drop) 95.让数组唯一的最小增量(Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique) 96.比特位计数(Counting Bits) 97.完全二叉树的节点个数(Count Complete Tree Nodes) 98.目标和(Target Sum) 99.抵达第n个解方案的数量(Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum) 100.找出第K大的异或坐标值(Fi...
887 Super Egg Drop 24.90% Hard 886 Possible Bipartition 40.90% Medium 885 Spiral Matrix III 64.80% Medium 884 Uncommon Words from Two Sentences 60.90% Easy 883 Projection Area of 3D Shapes 65.90% Easy 882 Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph 38.20% Hard 881 Boats to Save People 44.10% Medium ...