讲个笑话,从前有个人以为 LeetCode 的题目是按照难易程度排序的,所以他从「1. 两数之和」开始刷题...
夸张一些,LeetCode 的解题代码不就是 if、for、while 这些基础逻辑语法加上基础数据结构么,各个编程语...
You are given a train data set having 1000 columns and 1 million rows. The data set is based on a classification problem. Your manager has asked you to reduce the dimension of this data so that model computation time can be reduced. Your machine has memory constraints. What would you do?
因为不想继续做Java developer,而且对Data Science有很大兴趣,趁机也直接当做学习Python,用Python来刷题。没想到真是比Java效率高多了,简直后悔早几年的时候为什么不早学Python。给我懊悔30秒…… 直接说这个4月的code challenge。现在还没做完,但感觉上基本都是easy-medium难度。题型广度似乎还可以,不过还是要在之后...
LeetCode solutions, written in python and cpp(LeetCode解题报告,记录自己的leetcode成长之路) python computer-science algorithm leetcode cpp interview data-structures lintcode Updated Dec 1, 2024 C++ jinxuan-owyong / leetcode Star 1 Code Issues Pull requests My submissions for LeetCode problems...
This repository contains the solutions and explanations to the algorithm problems on LeetCode. Only medium or above are included. All are written in C++/Python and implemented by myself. The problems attempted multiple times are labelled with hyperlinks.
python 端午节游戏,选择三个传统的端午节活动之一:包粽子、赛龙舟或挂艾草 根据玩家的选择,游戏会描述相应的情节,并在完成后 2025-01-25 21:07:32 积分:1 IMG_3534.CR2.cr2 2025-01-25 13:42:58 积分:1 Screenshot_20240601_123444.jpg 2025-01-25 13:27:10 ...
@agave From many places, though I'd say I learned a lot on CheckiO and StackOverflow (when I was very active there for a month). You might also find some by googling python code golf. 原来大神也是在 StackOverflow 上修炼的,看来需要在为什么离不开 StackOverflow中添加一个理由了:因为 Stefa...
My hiring manager asked if I had data center experience, which I didn't. The product manager asked me to go deep into the technical stuff I previously worked on. The offer negotiation process was pretty similar for both companies Both times, I had competing offers and asked them to match ...
python 端午节游戏,选择三个传统的端午节活动之一:包粽子、赛龙舟或挂艾草 根据玩家的选择,游戏会描述相应的情节,并在完成后 2025-01-25 21:07:32 积分:1 IMG_3534.CR2.cr2 2025-01-25 13:42:58 积分:1 Screenshot_20240601_123444.jpg 2025-01-25 13:27:10 ...