海量技术面试题库,拥有算法、数据结构、系统设计等 1000+题目,帮助你高效提升编程技能,轻松拿下世界 IT 名企 Dream Offer。
Each topic will start with lower-difficulty problems and then progress to more challenging problems. Each collection of problems is intended to help strengthen your skills through repetitive practice. Spoiler Alert! The expected DSA used to solve each problem is a hint that likely will not be prov...
README Code of conduct Apache-2.0 license LeetCode If you like this project, please leave me a star.★ "For coding interview preparation, LeetCode is one of the best online resource providing a rich library of more than 300 real coding interview questions for you to practice from using on...
_1154_Day_of_the_Year.py _1155_Number_of_Dice_Rolls_With_Target_Sum.py _1156_Swap_For_Longest_Repeated_Character_Substring.py _1157_Online_Majority_Element_In_Subarray.py _1160_Find_Words_That_Can_Be_Formed_by_Characters.py _1161_Maximum_Level_Sum_of_a_Binary_Tree.py _1162_As...
This problem is better to be solved using dfs with memory instead of traditional DP. When we are calculating f[i][j], we must know which f[i-1][k] could be used. Then we just enumerate each number v that has been used in state j, check if v%i==0 or i%v==0 (because we ...
As a lazy person, having to checkleetcode.comevery time I want to practice is too much of a hassle. So then I thought, why not just sync the Daily LeetCoding Challenge to my Todoist every day? Requirements Let’s start by defining what I want the app to do: ...
一天一大 lee(移除盒子)难度:困难-Day20200815 dp 给出一些不同颜色的盒子,盒子的颜色由数字表示,即不同的数字表示不同的颜色。你将经过若干轮操作去去掉盒子,直到所有的盒子都去掉为止。每一轮你可以移除具有相同颜色的连续 k 个盒子(k >= 1),这样一轮之后你将得到 k*k 个积分。当你将所有盒子都去掉之后,...
LeetCode has a great community of developers, providing advice on solutions, best practice, and individual job interview experiences. It’s an excellent place for aspiring and improving developers to learn and grow. Those who invest in the premium subscription will receive additional features such ...
Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum. For example, given the array [-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4], the contiguous subarray [4,-1,2,1] has the largest sum = 6. More practice: If you have figured out the O(n) sol...
They also have a repository of solutions with the reasoning behind each step. LeetCode has over 1,900 questions for you to practice, covering many different programming concepts. Every coding problem has a classification of either Easy, Medium, or Hard. LeetCode problems focus on algorithms and...