LeetCode - Number of Good Pairs Given an array of integers nums. A pair (i,j) is called goodifnums[i] == nums[j] and i <j. Return the number of good pairs. Example1: Input: nums= [1,2,3,1,1,3] Output:4Explanation: There are4 good pairs (0,3), (0,4), (3,4), (...
Given an array of integers nums, return the number of good pairs. A pair (i, j) is called good if nums[i] == nums[j] and i < j. Example 1: Input: nums = [1,2,3,1,1,3] Output: 4 Explanation: There are 4 good pairs (0,3), (0,4), (3,4), (2,5) 0-indexed. E...
# Create a hashmap to store counts of nums2[j] * k divisor_count = defaultdict(int) # Populate the hashmap with counts of nums2[j] * k for num in nums2: divisor_count[num * k] += 1 good_pairs = 0 # For each number in nums1, find all its divisors and check against the ...
[leetcode] 1512. Number of Good Pairs Description Given an array of integers nums. A pair (i,j) is called good if nums[i] == nums[j] and i < j. Return the number of good pairs. Example 1: Input: nums = [1,2,3,1,1,3] Output: 4 Explanation: There are 4 good pairs (0,...
1512. Number of Good Pairs # 题目 # Given an array of integers nums. A pair (i,j) is called good if nums[i] == nums[j] and i < j. Return the number of good pairs. Example 1: Input: nums = [1,2,3,1,1,3] Output: 4 Explanation: There are 4 good pairs (0,3
3164. 优质数对的总数 II Find the Number of Good Pairs II 力扣每日一题 LeetCode 题解 [哈希表 调和级数] 07:15 3171. 找到按位或最接近 K 的子数组 力扣 LeetCode 题解 每日一题 [有序哈希表 位运算] 09:23 1436. 旅行终点站 Destination City 力扣 LeetCode 题解 每日一题 [哈希集合] 02:...
来源:力扣(LeetCode) 链接:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/number-of-good-pairs 著作权归领扣网络所有。商业转载请联系官方授权,非商业转载请注明出处。
Runtime:1 ms, faster than81.21%of Java online submissions for Number of Good Pairs. Memory Usage:39.7 MB, less than14.56%of Java online submissions for Number of Good Pairs. 整体表现不太好。只能说一般。
链接:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/number-of-good-leaf-nodes-pairs 著作权归领扣网络所有。商业转载请联系官方授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 解题思路 这一题的思路感觉好难啊!还是巴巴地看了题解。嘤嘤嘤! 高赞答案的思路挺好理解的,首先对该树进行遍历,之后将每个节点所有的左子树上的叶子...
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