Contest Rating 1,851 Level Knight Global Ranking 37,726/665,758 Attended 9 -/- Solved --% Acceptance Beats --% Beats --% Beats --% -Attempting -submission -Attempting -Attempting -Attempting Badges 1 Most Recent Badge Knight
Click on the badge above to see how many problems I've solved and how many more adventures await! Support If you find these solutions helpful or simply enjoy the journey, consider giving this repository a star. Your support means the world and fuels my quest to conquer coding challenges. ...
1196 How Many Apples Can You Put into the Basket 68.1% Easy 1197 Minimum Knight Moves 36.1% Medium 1198 Find Smallest Common Element in All Rows 74.9% Medium 1199 Minimum Time to Build Blocks 37.3% Hard 1200 Minimum Absolute Difference Go 66.6% Easy 1201 Ugly Number III Go 25.9% M...
The contest badge is calculated based on the contest rating.For LeetCoders with rating >=1600, If you are in the top 5% of the contest rating, you’ll get the “Guardian” badge.If you are in the top 25% of the contest rating, you’ll get the “Knight” badge....
Contest Rating 1,969 Level Knight Global Ranking 19,656/667,997 Attended 20 2,003 20202021 -/- Solved --% Acceptance Beats --% Beats --% Beats --% -Attempting -submission -Attempting -Attempting -Attempting Badges 85 Most Recent Badge ...
Last week0 Reputation 7 Last week0 Languages Python3 1046problems solved C++ 107problems solved Python 29problems solved Show more Contest Rating 1,895 Level Knight Global Ranking 29,294/667,997 Attended 39 Created with Highcharts 11.1.01,98420182023 ...
The contest badge is calculated based on the contest rating.For LeetCoders with rating >=1600, If you are in the top 5% of the contest rating, you’ll get the “Guardian” badge.If you are in the top 25% of the contest rating, you’ll get the “Knight” badge....