DS Interview Question & Answer In any 15-minute interval, there is a 20% probability that you will see at least one shooting star. What is the probability that you see at least one shooting star in the period of an hour? Probability of not seeing any shooting star in 15 minutes is...
Another advantage of ReLU is sparsity, which arises when x <=0. The more such units that exist in a layer the more sparse the resulting representation. BA Interview Question & Answer Department Top Three Salaries The Employee table holds all employees. Every employee has an Id, and there is...
DS Interview Question What is cross-validation? How to do it right? BA Interview Question Write a query in SQL to find the name and medication for those patients who did not take any appointment. LeetCode Question Ad...
Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview.
Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview.
coding interview is one area where you can greatly improve with deliberate practice. Most of the classic interview questions have multiple solution approaches. For the best practice result, we strongly advise you to go through this list at least a second time, or even better - a third time. ...
,如果基础不太好的话,可以从靠前的题目开始做,学习一下链表、树、栈等简单数据结构以及BFS、DFS等简单算法,锻炼一下代码能力;如果基础足够好的话,可以直接开始打Contest和Virtual Contest(以及mock interview,虽然这个我没怎么用过),因为比赛和时限给人带来的紧张感比单纯轻松地做题要好,然后再去搞懂没做出来的题...
以及OOD: Grokking the Object Oriented Design Interview 这门机器学习面试指南是这个系列最新的课程: 目前市面上机器学习面试相关的课程比较少,这门课程应该非常值得! 方便大家阅读,我把内容也贴出来放在这个回答下: 1. Pattern: Sliding window,滑动窗口类型 滑动窗口类型的题目经常是用来执行数组或是链表上某个区间...
shit LeetCode interview Question All In One https://leetcode.com/interview/1/ 有点晕,啥意思,没太明白,到底是要按什么排序呀? 去掉 标识符 不去掉,TMD 也不对呀 难道。。。 constuniqueKey = arr.slice(1).join(` `).replace(/[0-9]/g,``);// const uniqueKey = arr.join(` `).replace(...
BA Interview Question Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Deion: Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent. A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below. ...