Leeds University Business School is one of the top universities in Leeds, United Kingdom. It is ranked #=25 in World University Rankings - Masters In Marketing 2025. 20242025 151015202530 Campus locations Campus NameMaurice Keyworth Building, The University of Leeds, Leeds, GB CampusMaurice Keywor...
The Leeds School of Business at University of Colorado--Boulder (Leeds) offers these departments and concentrations: accounting, business analytics, consulting, economics, entrepreneurship, ethics, finance, general management, human resources management, international business, leadership, marketing, management...
商学院(Leeds University Business School)是利兹大学最有钱、实力最雄厚的王牌学院,拥有AACSB、AMBA、EQUIS三大认证,是世界顶级商学院之一,为来自100多个国家的5,000多名学生提供本科、硕士、MBA、博士、高管和专业教育以及在线学习。 在QS、《金融时报》、《经济学人》等权威排名中,利兹商学院都有出色的表现。会计与...
1.商学院(Leeds University Business School) 商学院是利兹最热门的一个学院,所以要求也是最高的。商学院里,又划分了两批专业来定要求: MSc International Business MA Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations MA Advertising and Marketing
利兹大学商学院(Leeds University Business School,简称LUBS)是著名的世界顶尖商学院,是“一带一路”商学院联盟、中欧商校联盟成员,同时获得AACSB、EQUIS、AMBA三大国际认证,全球仅有75所商学院获此殊荣。 经英国权威就业杂志Target Job调查,利兹大学商学院是最受雇...
Basic information and contact details for Leeds University Business School Previously known as the School of Business and Economic Studies (1997) and the Faculty of Business (2003), Leeds University Business School is the business school of the University of Leeds in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England...
利兹大学(University of Leeds),是一所位于英格兰西约克郡利兹的公立研究型大学,是英国最大的大学之一,是罗素研究型大学集团的创始成员之一,是 N8大学联盟、欧洲大学协会、英联邦大学协会、白玫瑰大学联盟等组织的成员。在2025年QS世界大学排...
利兹大学(University of Leeds)位于英国北部,始建于1904年,是英国十三强研究型大学之一。利兹大学商学院(Leeds University Business School)成立于1960年,历史悠久,拥有独特的教学特点和学术研究实力。利…
Find the course offerings, cost, and contact information for the MBA programmes at Leeds University Business School