系统标签: leed guide reference credit prerequisite metering REFERENCE GUIDEFOR BUILDING DESIGNAND CONSTRUCTION v4 REFERENCE GUIDEFOR BUILDING DESIGNAND CONSTRUCTION TableofConTenTs PrefaCe4 GeTTinGsTarTed8 MiniMuMProGraMrequireMenTs26 raTinGsysTeMseleCTionGuidanCe32 inTeGraTiveProCess36 PrerequisiteIntegrativeProjectPlanni...
leed nc2 2参考指南勘误表.pdf,摘要:LEEDNC22参考指南勘误表已经更新并包含了修复错误的信息。现在可以继续使用这个指南进行新项目的设计和施工了。来源:BC日期更新:10月2005日Errata Sheet for the titled: LEED for New Construction Version 2.2 Reference Guide Octo
LEED Reference Guide for Neighborhood Development, LEED v4 Edition (GBC LEED ND REFERENCE GUIDE-2014) 下载积分:8000 内容提示: NEIGHBORHOODDEVELOPMENT ...文档格式:PDF | 页数:553 | 浏览次数:268 | 上传日期:2018-12-07 11:23:17 | 文档星级: ...
LEED Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction 2024 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ #6 of 100 这周准备LEED AP考试,就把考试书算成这周要读的书吧。2号上午的考试,考过了开心开心开心!可以跟LEED短暂的分几天手,然后就能开始忙其他事儿了~ 评分☆☆☆ #6 of 100 这周准备LEED ...
When project teams have a question about LEED requirements, they reach for the reference guide. Completely restructured for LEED v4, the print and pdf formats of the reference guides walk project teams through all of the information you need to successfully achieve credits. This guide includes dire...
Leed Reference Guide For Green Building Design And Construction 星级: 337 页 LEED_Reference_Guide_for_Green_Building_Design_and_Construction1 星级: 674 页 LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction Checklist 星级: 1页 LEED v4 for Interior Design and Construction Checklist 星级: 1页 LEED ...
提供 的确认文件如下 : LEED 得分点按合 同文件的要求 、LEED 新建建筑 2009 参考指南 (LEED-NC 2009 Reference Guide )。以下为施 工阶段计划得分点。(见下表 ) 六、本地材料(得2分) 编号 分值 名称 要求 使用的材料 ,应满足至少有百分之三十的材料和产品 (基于成本 )是在项 目现场 800 公里的半径...
When project teams have a question about LEED requirements, they reach for the reference guide. Completely restructured for LEED v4, the print and pdf formats of the reference guides walk project teams through all of the information you need to successfully achieve credits. This guide includes dire...
如果考LEED GA那就主看LEED_GA_Study_Guide.pdf,当然还有十几个补充文件。如果是LEED AP那就看Reference Guide这个书是考试和LEED认证的主要参考书。如果只是看是,这个书也是要有重点的去看。如果需要参加辅导的话。咨询 可昆。