LEED is the #1 recognized green building rating system in the world. Created by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), the LEED Green Associate is the first of two tiers of professional green building accreditation. Sometimes referred to as “LEED GA”, LEED Green associates have demonstrated ...
确定要考取的LEED认证级别,如LEED GA(Green Associate)或LEED AP(Professional Accreditation)等。详细...
How to Earn the LEED Green Associate Accreditation You can become a LEED Green Associate in just 30 days by following these steps! 1. Take Our Course Our LEED Green Associate Exam Prep is available as a self-paced online package or a 4-part live webinar series. 2. Register for the LEED...
LEED GA(Green Associate)作为初级的专业认知, 对即将毕业的学生, 和即将出国深造的学生,增强自己在国内外以及海外就业竞争力有是否重要的意义。 那么主要的手中群体是学生,环保工作中, 媒体工作者等。 那么相关涉及到的行业:建筑,景观, 规划, 室内, 土木等行业是非常有未来价值的。 Leed AP,LEED ProfessionalAccr...
考试时间只要上班时间都行,小编建议考生把时间选在周一上午;地点在国内各大城市都有考场,选择一个自己最方便的就行。LEED AP简介: LEED AP,即LEED Professional Accreditation,是美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)官方认可的LEED认证专家,拥有该资格的个人能够顺利地管理整个LEED认证项目的实施。LEED AP证书...
There are three tiers for LEED Accreditation. All candidates are required to start at the LEED Green Associate level. Tier 1: LEED Green Associate Start here and learn the basic structure of the LEED Rating System Tier 2: LEED AP with Specialty ...
Leed AP,LEED ProfessionalAccreditation,是美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)官方认可的LEED认证专家,拥有该资格的个人能够顺利地管理整个LEED认证项目的实施。LEED AP证书能够证明个人已经透彻地了解率绿色建筑的实践和原则,以及LEED评分系统(分LEED-NC、LEED-CI、LEED-EB等技术体系)。
Instead of first getting a LEED Green Associate accreditation and then taking a separate test for a LEED AP With Specialty accreditation, an individual can choose to take a combined test. This exam is four hours long. If a candidate passes the Green Associate portion of the exam but fails th...
Leed AP,LEED ProfessionalAccreditation,是美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)官方认可的LEED认证专家,拥有该资格的个人能够顺利地管理整个LEED认证项目的实施。 LEED AP 证书能够证明个人已经透彻地了解率绿色建筑的实践和原则,以及LEED 评分系统(分LEED-NC、LEED-CI、LEED-EB等技术体系) ...
people can be individually LEED accredited —an achievement earned by taking a LEED exam to earn one of two different LEED accreditations. LEED accreditations are valid for two years. To maintain accreditation, LEED Green Associates must acquire 15 hours of continuing education every two years, an...