LEED认证级别分为认证级(Certified)、银级(Silver)、金级(Gold)和铂金级(Platinum),其中铂金级代表最高水平的绿色建筑成就。四、LEED认证的核心评价类别 LEED认证的评价体系涵盖了建筑的整个生命周期,包括设计、建造到运营阶段。它综合考量建筑物在场址、交通、能耗、水耗、建设材料、舒适健康等多个方面的表现。
Examples of LEED-certified buildings With the global population expected to hit nearly 10 billion by 2050, it’s more important than ever to construct sustainable buildings for the future. Here are seven examples of buildings around the world using BIM to help meet LEED requirements....
Urban planning Evaluating Transportation and Built Density of LEED Gold Certified Municipal Buildings THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Melissa Keeley SalikuddinAzher HThis study focuses on transportation and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified buildings. Four custom metrics, ...
LEED认证(Certified): 这是最低级别的认证,建筑项目需要达到一定的LEED标准要求才能获得该级别的认证。 LEED银级认证(Silver):在LEED认证的基础上,建筑项目需要进一步提高节能性能、环保水平、室内环境质量等方面的要求,才能获得银级认证。 LEED金级认证(Gold): 较高级别的认证,要求建筑项目在节能、环保、可持续性等...
With over 16,797,000 square feet (1,560,500 m2), the recently opened City Center Las Vegas has become one of the largest LEED certified projects in...
On its website, USGBC frames LEED-certified buildings as critical for addressing climate change and meetingenvironmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. Building practices that meet LEED certification standards should: Reduce contributions to climate change. ...
Certified -- 40–49 points Silver -- 50–59 points Gold -- 60–79 points Platinum -- 80+ points Someadvantagesof green buildings are they have longer economic lives and lower risks in terms of marketability and obsolescence. Who uses the LEED program?
The new program will offer incentives for buildings pursuing LEED certification: LEED Gold buildings will receive 10 Yuan per square meter of certified space, and LEED Platinum buildings will receive 20 Yuan per square meter o...
In early July 2020, Illinois had a total of 727 LEED-certified or recertified buildings at the Gold and Platinum levels. Of these, 50 received the designation in 2019, five fewer than in 2018. Half of the awarded projects were office properties and the other half included multiple property ...