What classes belong to the subphylum Cephalochordata? What are genus groups? What's a douche? What drug class is simvastatin? What does thermal stratification do? What is a second class lever? What is nursing taxonomy? What is a barnacle?
This repetitive segmental arrangement is a feature of the Annelida, the phylum to which the leeches belong. It has long been recognised that leeches are closely related to the oligochaetes, a group of annelids that includes the familiar earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. In fact, the Hirudinea (...
Both orders include organisms specialized to feed on vertebrate blood. This study includes the description of eight species of leeches new to science that belong to three families (Glossiphoniidae, Macrobdellidae and Praobdellidae). The phylogenetic relationships of species of three families (...
This repetitive segmental arrangement is a feature of the Annelida, the phylum to which the leeches belong. It has long been recognised that leeches are closely related to the oligochaetes, a group of annelids that includes the familiar earthworm Lumbricus terrestris . In fact, the Hirudinea (...