The celebrity moms were delighted to see him and began asking many questions.Hong Jin Young‘s mom especially showed interest in the actor. She asked, “Do you have a girlfriend?” and he answered, “I don’t right now.” Hearing this, she commented, “Why did [women] leave alone thi...
If I were to really have lunch with my girlfriend, I would have to get up early even if I were tired, then I would have to shower and shave. When we meet, we would have to decide on what to eat, how troublesome. But a drama cuts all these trivial details and only airs a ...
On his girlfriend’s reaction toreportsof their dating news, Kangnam said, “I decided to completely do what global sports star Lee Sang Hwa said, but told me we should quickly confirm it since it was true that we were dating. She wanted to make it public from the beginning.” ...
My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho add 16 Cha Dae Woong [Child](Ep.15) Guest Role 8.0 Remove ads Movie YearTitleRoleRating 2011 The Apprehenders add [Detective Jo's youngest son] Support Role 7.3 Special YearTitle#RoleRating 2012 Drama Special Season 3: Like a Miracle add 1 Lee Dong...
Kim Jun-hee is crypto bro Lee Myung-gi’s ex-girlfriend who also just happens to be pregnant with his child, contributing to the interpersonal viper’s nest of this year’s games. She’s joining the contest for a better life for her unborn child. ...
Ex-CIA agent, Frank Moses, his girlfriend, Sarah and his friend Marvin become a target when it is revealed that that they know the location of the Nightshade, a portable nuclear weapon. The trio now have to search for the nuclear device and prevent it from falling in wrong hands; all ...