③方程右边为输运方程源项 Fluent定义液相向气相传质为正: 蒸发只有液相向气相传质,冷凝只有气相向液相传质。能量源项等于质量源项乘以潜热。与UDF lee模型定义相同。 式中的coeff(单位1/s):(Fluent帮助文档中有推导过程) 其中,db为蒸汽气泡直径(只有在欧拉模型和Mixture模型中才会有此参数) R为理想气体常数,Tsat为...
Secondly, instead of using the UDF, I want to add the source term using the TUI command that I mentioned above. In that case, would the difference between the SSE of liquid and gas will be taken as latent heat by the fluent?January 5, 2022 at 7:51 am Amine Ben Hadj Ali Ansys ...
s),正好和换热系数单位对应,而lee模型提取出的凝结速率单位为kg/(m3·s)发自小木虫IOS客户端 ...
I've been using the Lee Model to model evaporation-condensation in a Eulerian multiphase simulation w Fluent. My evaporation and condensation coefficients were 0.3, but then I changed it to 0.1, as the Fluent User guide recommends. I haven't started fine-tuning them yet. When I run the ...
ANSYS14.0 FLUENT理论手册[13]给出了细泡状流下的界面浓度计算公式其过程如下: 式中,Ai为界面面积,m2;Vcell为单元格体积,m3;d为气泡(或液滴)直径,m. 由此得到泡状流沸腾过程r的表达式为 式中:β为调节系数;M为摩尔质量,kg/mol;R为通用气体常数,8 314 J/(mol·K);hfg为气化潜热,J/kg;Ts为流体饱和...
故潜热份额R 可作为评价r 目前只能计算出某些特定流型下的界面浓度. L L [13] 取值是否合理的指标之一. ANSYS140FLUENT 理论手册 给出了细泡状 很显然潜热份额R 随r 的增加而增加,r越 流下的界面浓度计算公式其过程如下: L 大,R 越接近 1,换热过程越接近纯相变换热.理 L A 6α i g = 论上当r +...
Is there a way in FLUENT for me to impose the values of Latent heat when using UDF for mass transfer mechanism? Thanks in advanceDecember 6, 2023 at 6:28 am SRP Ansys Employee Hi, You can try to create material properties in the database into the solver and then read it from ...