2024.11.26|official.leejongsuk更新[打call] [SPECIAL VIDEO] 이종석 - 虹 (Niji, 무지개) @2024 LEE JONG SUK BIRTHDAY PARTY ‘Invitation’ @李钟硕 [抱一抱]#越来越美好的李钟硕# - http://t.cn/A6myNCZw
2024.01.15|official.leejongsuk更新[打call] @李钟硕 简介幕后花絮视频 #越来越美好的李钟硕# 🐥 http://t.cn/A6jyl4W0
(未上映)Doctor异乡人2030-演员 (未上映)体探者2026-演员 (未上映)再婚皇后2025-演员 (未上映)瑞草洞2025-演员 (未上映)1秒2025-演员 设计者2024 5.1 演员(饰 差眼) 分贝2022 5.8 演员 黑话律师2022 7.2 演员(饰 朴昌浩) 魔女22022 6.2 演员(饰 客串) ...
이종석 #LeeJongSuk in Bottega Veneta Event today Esquire March 2023 Co-stars Lee Jong Suk and YoonA of the upcoming new tvN drama ‘Big Mouse’ have graced the covers of ‘Elle’ magazine for the month of March! Lee Jong Suk, Kim Rae Won, And ASTRO’s Cha Eun Woo Are Navy...
李钟硕(Lee Jo..李钟硕(Lee Jong Suk),1989年9月14日出生于京畿道龙仁,韩国男演员、模特。2010年3月参演律政剧《检察官公主》,以演员身份正式出道;9月出演浪漫爱情剧《秘密花园》。2012年主演校
李钟硕,韩国演员、模特,现就读于韩国建国大学艺术学专业电影艺术学。中学时期 ,李钟硕便参加了韩国SBS电视台的演员选拔,并以SBS公开招募的第7期演员身份开始从事演艺活动。出身模特的李钟硕,16岁就登上了Seoul Collection的舞台,成为Seoul Collection历史上最年轻的时装男模。2010年先后出演电视剧《检察官公主》和《...
Lee Jong-suk 中等教育英语阅读理解摘要:刘妍考试与评价(英语七年级专刊)
In the brand new mystery/noir series ‘Big Mouse’, Lee Jong Suk and YoonA test out their chemistry as a married couple. Lee Jong Suk plays the role of a lawyer who is all talk and no action, nicknamed “Big Mouth” by his colleagues for his poor victory rate in the court room. Op...
(TV Mini-series) - Lee Jong-suk Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo (2016) (TV Series) - Jong Suk (1 episode, 2016) When I Fall in Love With You (十一月 17, 2016) Season 1, Episode 2 - Jong Suk (as Lee Jong-Suk) 1 Go Ho's Starry Night (2016) (TV Series) - Song ...