Tata Young:Ah Leehom, my dear Leehom.That boy is adorable. Haha, he's such a quirk and so bubbly to be around. It's funny though because he has this deep voice when he speaks in English to me and I hear his songs and he sings higher than me. He's a very talented person and ...
CraZyaH wrote:the girls look in the first few minutes of the video made me laugh and think I would look at him the same way if I saw him in person LOL I can see you doing worse if you were to actually see any of the celebs you love... especially Kim Jung Hoon... the poor gu...
just re-watched this video of lee hom coaching Ah Ya on singing: the girl is hilarious.. i personally like her as a host cuz she's funny. n it's well-known fact that she likes lee hom alot I'll watch this! Thanks for the link. I wished i had a piano teacher like lee hom!
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Tata Young: Ah Leehom, my dear Leehom. That boy is adorable. Haha, he's such a quirk and so bubbly to be around. It's funny though because he has this deep voice when he speaks in English to me and I hear his songs and he sings higher than me. He's a very talented person an...