LCKMVP+赛后MVP采访(韩语) 原以为会打满三场的 没想到第一场DK拉扯的这么好 第二场五个队员都有发挥ShowMaker尤为出色(看来0:2输给BRO多少有些练兵的感觉)
After joining the LCK in 2020 as one of the hostesses, Lee Jeong-hyun dove right into LoL fans’ minds. She’s been studying much to prepare for the new season so that she could host the upcoming season with more expertise. Jeong-hyun said that she was thankful to all of...
LCK 20210220 DK(原DWG) VS HLE 女主持 Lee Jeong Hyun 第一第二第三场MVP+MVP采访环节(韩语) 1596播放 LCK2021【 春季赛第一轮】所有队伍比赛数据总结 & 第二轮选手的轮换 491播放 LCK 20210219 DRX VS T1 女主持 Lee Jeong Hyun 第二第三场MVP+MVP采访环节(韩语) ...