Seven5 Adaptor Ring Fuji X100 Excellent filters A new product line that I have long awaited. Superb clarity and neutrality, and with a density exactly as advertised (verified with a Sekonic spot meter). There is no slippage/creep of the filter in the slots of my first generation LEE holder...
要在日间进行长时间曝光,一块ND 减光镜可说是常用的工具,而Lee Filters推出了名为“Super Stopper”的超强减光镜,减少曝光达到15级,可以将原本只需2秒的曝光时间,延长至17个小时,效果相当惊人。 有关滤镜将出现于 LEE 本身的100mm、Seven5及 SW150系列,与本身已有的 Little Stopper (6 级) 和 Big Stopper...
and if you need other Lee Filters.. e.g. Big Stopper, ND8 … do feel free tocontact meand drop me a message … Update page for what filters are available for pre-order and sale ### Beg solution for 100mmx150mm filters http://liewwkph...
拥有15级减光效果的Super Stopper加盟后,连同可减6级光的Little Stopper和10级光的Big Stopper,Lee Filters的ND减光镜阵容更加完善。 全新的Super Stopper的售价将会为175美元(约合人民币1140元),并且提供100mm、Seven5及SW150系统三个不同的版本。 Super Stopper的曝光建议表...