Lee Da Hae Height 1.70 m Born April 19,1984 South Korea Spouse Se7en2023 - present Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Learn more about contributing Edit page How much have you seen? Keep track of how much of Lee Da-hae’s work you have seen.Go to your lis...
Lee Da-hae, known for her work in Korean dramas, recently shared photos and videos of her romantic getaway with husband Se7en (real name Choi Dong-wook), an artist and musician. The couple was seen enjoying a relaxed atmosphere by the poolside as they took in the beautiful scenery of the...
南韓歌手SE7EN與女演員李多海愛情長跑8年,於6日晚間進行結婚典禮,當天現場眾星雲集引發滿滿話題,婚禮結束後,李多海在社群上爆料「當天找不到新郎」的幕後故事。 照片來源:李多海 IG 只見李多海分享了太陽和老公SE7EN的《Shoog!》舞蹈挑戰,並在內文中寫下「典禮前,我們家新郎不見了,找到了,原來是在這裡」,SE7EN沒先前...
韓星李多海、SE7EN愛情長跑8年,終於修成正果,今(6)日晚間在首爾新羅飯店舉行婚禮,雖然婚禮以非公開形式進行,但現場仍眾星雲集,且李多海也邀請了中國粉絲團部分粉絲到現場一同分享喜悅,稍早,現場布置照流出,超級浪漫。 照片來源:李多海微博粉絲團 李多海近期將演藝事業重心轉往中國,中國粉絲團得知婚禮消息後,立刻準備大...
李多海商务接洽经纪人梁俊:13122772029(非直接经纪人,仅沟通商务合作)。李多海(Lee Da Hae、이다해),1984年4月19日出生于韩国首尔特别市,韩国女演员、模特、歌手、主持人。2004年,肄业于东国大学戏剧电影学系。2 - 娱乐小温@于20240320发布在抖音,已经收获
Lee Da-hae. Actress: Chuno. Popular South Korean actress Lee Da-He has won several awards. She has starred in numerous Korean dramas, such as Miss Ripley (2011), Chuno (2010), Mai geol (2005), and Geurin rojeu (2005). Being able to speak Korean, Japanese
Lee Da-hae, known for her work in Korean dramas, recently shared photos and videos of her romantic getaway with husband Se7en (real name Choi Dong-wook), an artist and musician. The couple was seen enjoying a relaxed atmosphere by the poolside as they took in the beautiful scenery of the...