In My Girl, Lee Joon Gi plays the charmingly eccentric Seo Jung Woo, who becomes entangled in a love triangle with Yoo Rin played by Lee Da Hae and Gong Chan played by Lee Dong Wook. The story follows Yoo Rin, who is hired to pose as a missing cousin in Gong Chan’s family. The...
Lee Da-hae, known for her work in Korean dramas, recently shared photos and videos of her romantic getaway with husband Se7en (real name Choi Dong-wook), an artist and musician. The couple was seen enjoying a relaxed atmosphere by the poolside as they took in the beautiful scenery of the...
Lee Dong-wook is a South Korean actor who appeared in "Life," "A Shop for Killers," and "The Beauty Inside." Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea Also ranks #4 on The Best Korean Actors Of All Time Also ranks #4 on The Best K-Drama Actors Of All Time Also ranks #4 on The Best Kore...
I guess I am in the same boat as you guys but I think she's pretty though. For some reason, I just never really grow to like her acting. I tried. I love Lee Dong Wook though so I might give this a try as well. I wish there is Partner II with him and Kim Huyn Joo (sp) ...
So, he's still using the same handphone's strap that cause the rumours between him and Lee Da Hae. Lee Da Hae also still using the strap sometimes. Will miss him for sure and I'm rewatching MY GIRL again to bring back the old good feeling. ...
Hae Eun LeeTitles, Movies and Posters Dragon Ball Z CAST:Sang-soo Hong,Eun-hee Bang,Eun-sook Cho,Park Jin-seong,Eui-sung Kim,Eung-kyung Lee,Sun-mi Myeong, YEAR:1996 Oldboy CAST:Chan-wook Park,Min-sik Choi,Ji-tae Yu,Hye-jeong Kang,Dae-han Ji,Dal-su Oh,Byeong-ok Kim,Seung-Shin...
Titles, Movies and Posters Sort by: Oldboy CAST: Chan-wook Park, Min-sik Choi, Ji-tae Yu, Hye-jeong Kang, Dae-han Ji, Dal-su Oh, Byeong-ok Kim, Seung-Shin Lee, Jin-seo Yun, Dae-yeon Lee, Kwang-rok Oh, Tae-kyung Oh, Yeon-suk Ahn, Il-han Oo, Su-hyeon Kim, YEAR: 200...
Haesong Cho, Youngdo Cho, Dalnim Choi, Daseul Choi, Hyoseok Choi, Minseong Choi, Sangho Choi, Seongjae Choi, Wooyong Choi, Sewhan Chun, Dong Young Go, Chiheon Ham, Danbi Han, Jaemin Han, Moonyoung Hong, Sung Bum Hong, Dong-Hyun Hwang, Seongchan Hwang, Jinbae Im, Hyuk Jin Jang,...
Lee Dong-wook. Actor: Sseul-sseul-ha-go cha-ran-ha-sin-do-ggae-bi. Lee Dong-Wook is a South Korean actor, entertainer, and model and easily one of the notable faces in Korea's film universe. Lee made his acting debut in 1999 in an MBC single-episode dram
K- Actresses,K-Actors,K-Dramas (General),Korean Movies (General),Lee Da Hae,Magazine Spreads/ Fashion,Ramblings and Musings Excited for no other reason than… January 31, 20131 Comment … thatShin Ha Kyun‘s coming back to the big and small screens soon!