./cfgExample configuration files. ./srcSource code. Some of the directories undersrcare external repositories included using git-subtree. See those directories' README files for more details. Additional Documentation XRP Ledger Dev Portal Setup and Installation ...
While the Nano X uses its operating system on the device (named Bolos), it is still compatible with iOS, macOS, Android, Windows, and even Linux. It also works with desktop wallets like MyEtherWallet as well. In this set up example, I used my iPhone XR to set up the Nano X via ...
Construct and Sign an XRP Payment: The following example illustrates how to construct a payment transaction, sign it using an in-memory private key, and then submit that transaction to the XRP Ledger for processing and validation: importorg.xrpl.xrpl4j.client.XrplClient;importorg.xrpl.xrpl4j...
In comparison to the Ledger Nano-S, the Nano-X is the premium edition hard wallet from Ledger. With a pricetag of $115, and brings with it a much more expansive range of features and coins that users can store. When it comes to tokens, for example, the Nano-X expands upon the Nano...
github.com/multiformats/go-varint v0.0.5/go.mod h1:3Ls8CIEsrijN6+B7PbrXRPxHRPuXSrVKRY101jdMZYE= github.com/mwitkow/go-conntrack v0.0.0-20161129095857-cc309e4a2223/go.mod h1:qRWi+5nqEBWmkhHvq77mSJWrCKwh8bxhgT7d/eI7P4U= github.com/mwitkow/go-conntrack v0.0.0-20190716064945-2f06839461...