It had stone tiling, and a stone ledge, and there was a roof entrance more or less in the center with a door heading down to, most likely, steps. I look past them, at the blackened edges of a curb, the smooth marble of a ledge, the angle of a rail. Then, they had left the ...
Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.5. ASTM G 155 - Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Exposure Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials.B. Florida Building Code - Test Protocol HVHZ.1. Testing Application Standard (TAS) 201, 202, 203 – ...
The covering is for a floor channel groove, accommodating the guide-rails, eg for sliding-doors and incorporates at least one plate which projects freely from the sidewall of the channel. This plate (23) is fitted with a support shank (27), braced against a ledge (18, 20) on the ...