The spacing of the glu-lams is equal to the width of the roofing panels because I wanted to be able to screw the roof hardware with long screws into the beams and not just the bead board. The horizontal brace in the last photo was used to hold the full-length beam to the correct ...
6) board-and-brace door 拼板门补充资料:肛门直肠脱垂 肛门直肠脱垂 proctoptosis 简称“脱肛”。指肛管、直肠外翻而脱垂于肛门外。小儿较成人多见。尤多见于1~3岁小儿,5岁以后则罕见。病因:①解剖上发育缺陷。②支持直肠的组织软弱。③长时期腹内压增加。仅有黏膜脱出者称为不完全脱肛。肠管各层完全翻出者...