printf("a=%s",a);//打印a if(strstr((const char*)a,"on")) GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_5);//如果a里有“on”,开灯 //这是因为我们收到的数据格式是:+IPD开头的,后面还有一些乱七八糟的东西,最后才是实际收到的数据, //因此要用这样的判断方式 if(strstr((const char*)a,"off")) GPI...
Delay(60000); P0=0xff; Delay(60000); Delay(60000); } for(i=1;i<=8;i++)//从L1到L8依次点亮{ P0=0xff<<i;Delay(60000);Delay(60000);} for(i=1;i<=8;i++)//从L1到L8依次熄灭{ P0=~(0xff<
题目【多选题】单片机的P34、P35、P36、P37口分别接LED1、LED2、LED3、LED4, 输出低电平点亮LED灯,程序如下: #include "reg52.h" #define uchar unsigned char uchar tab[]={0xef,0xdf,0xbf,0x7f,0x7f,0xbf,0xdf,0xef };/* 点亮LED的状态数据*/ void delay() { ...
printf("LED_Task Running,LED1_ON\r\n"); vTaskDelayUntil(&pxPreviousWakeTime,xTimeIncrement);//在上面已经设置成500ms printf("tick1 = %d\r\n",xTaskGetTickCount()); LED1_OFF; printf("LED_Task Running,LED1_OFF\r\n"); vTaskDelayUntil(&pxPreviousWakeTime,xTimeIncrement);//在上面已经设...
(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_5); delay_ms(500); } } /* ===led.h=== */ //这样的宏定义是为了防止led.c内的函数被重复声明 #ifndef __LED_H #define __LED_H void LED_Init(void); #endif /* ===led.c=== */ #include "led.h" #include "stm32f10x.h" //当函数参数为空时,写上void是很...
DC 6-30V 1 Channel 5V LED Display Automation Cycle Delay Timer Relay Control ON/Off Switch Delay Timing Cycle 999 minutes No reviews yet Yueqing Taixin Electric Co., Ltd.Custom manufacturer7 yrsCN Key attributes Industry-specific attributes
on is secured with strict SSL encryption and PCI DSS data protection protocols Easy Return & Refund Claim a refund if your order is missing or arrives with product issues, plus free local returns for defects on qualifying purchases protects all your orders placed and ...
If LED pin voltage is within 1V of VOUT, then the channel is switched off and a 8µA test current is placed in the channel to sense when the channel moves below VOUT – 1V. Figure 3. EN Timing Diagram z The device requires a minimum 10us delay TSETUP to ensure the initialization...
println(val, DEC); delay(30); //delay 30 ms } } 树莓派4B 接线: 代码: C语言版: #include <wiringPi.h> #include <softPwm.h> #include <stdio.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define LedPinRed 0 #define LedPinGreen 1 void ledInit(void) { softPwmCreate(LedPinRed, 0, 100); ...
EPL-16BS-1X150LED-100 The EPL-16BS-1X150LED-100 Explosion Proof LED Light from Larson Electronics is rated Class 1 Division 1-2 Groups C D and Class 2 Division 1-2 and uses a 16 inch LED light head to produce 12,000 lumens Larson Electronics LLC www.Lars