GPIO_Init(LED1_GPIO_PORT,&GPIO_InitStructure); /*选择要控制的GPIO引脚*/ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin=LED2_PIN; GPIO_Init(LED2_GPIO_PORT,&GPIO_InitStructure); /*选择要控制的GPIO引脚*/ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin=LED3_PIN; GPIO_Init(LED3_GPIO_PORT,&GPIO_InitStructure); /*关闭RGB灯*/ LE...
3.Sysconfig配置 在ti_msp_dl_config.h下可以看到我们定义的 DL_GPIO_clearPins(GPIO_PORTA_PORT, GPIO_PORTA_LED_PIN_PIN); // LED亮 DL_GPIO_setPins(GPIO_PORTA_PORT, GPIO_PORTA_LED_PIN_PIN); // LED灭 DL_GPIO_togglePins(GPIO_PORTA_PORT, GPIO_PORTA_LED_PIN_PIN; // LED翻转 若要对 GPI...
In STM32, GPIO ports are named alphabetically starting from A, and each port can have up to 16 pins from 0 to 15.As a result, GPIO pins on STM32 are named like PXY, which stand for 'Port X Pin Y'. Due to size limits not all chips will have all the ports, and not every ...
As a result, GPIO pins on STM32 are named like PXY, which stand for 'Port X Pin Y'. Due to size limits not all chips will have all the ports, and not every port will have all its 16 pins. In this case, most of the pins are from port A(PA0 to PA14). Port B only has ...
重写主程序中对GPIO的控制部分 复制 GPIO_WritePin(LED_GPIO_PORT,LED_GPIO_PINS,GPIO_Pin_SET) ;Del...
DL_GPIO_setPins(GPIO_LEDS_PORT, GPIO_LEDS_USER_LED_1_PIN);} /* Otherwise, turn the LED on...
编写GPIO控制代码 #include "ti/devices/msp/msp432p401r.h" int main(void) { // 初始化系统时钟 Clock_Init48MHz(); // 初始化GPIO为输出 GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; GPIO_InitStructure.Port = GPIO_PORTA; GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN0; ...
27、ockConfig(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin);14. void GPIO_EventOutputConfig(uint8_t GPIO_PortSource, uint8_t GPIO_PinSource);15. void GPIO_EventOutputCmd(FunctionalState NewState);16. void GPIO_PinRemapConfig(uint32_t GPIO_Remap, FunctionalState NewState);17. void GPIO_EXTILineC...
电平转换GPIO和LED驱动器,具有CLA 典型工作特性(续) (V DD = 3.3V, V LA = 3.3V和T A = + 25 ℃,除非另有说明。 ) MAX7302 交错PWM输出 MAX7302 toc09 CLA传播延迟 产量提升 MAX7302 toc10 C L = 100pF的 PORT2 5V/div PORT3 5V/div ...
However the Adafruit LED backpack is using I2C interface. The hardware I2C pins on the voltmeter is already occupied for driving LED, which means I need to bit banging I2C slave protocol on GPIO pins. There are many online resources about I2C master emulation, but I2C slave emulation is very...