在一些特殊的情况下,如果LED的导通电压与施加的电压基本相同,而且电池的内阻相对比较大,也可以直接将电池驱动LED。 比如下面的电路来自于Interactive digital whiteboard with a Nintendo Wii remote controler and infrared LED pen. For schools HOWTO[3]显示...
在一些特殊的情况下,如果LED的导通电压与施加的电压基本相同,而且电池的内阻相对比较大,也可以直接将电池驱动LED。 比如下面的电路来自于 Interactive digital whiteboard with a Nintendo Wii remote controler and infrared LED pen. For schools HOWTO[3] 显示了直接将红外LED连接在五号电池上的应用情况。 ▲图1.2....
在一些特殊的情况下,如果LED的导通电压与施加的电压基本相同,而且电池的内阻相对比较大,也可以直接将电池驱动LED。 比如下面的电路来自于 Interactive digital whiteboard with a Nintendo Wii remote controler and infrared LED pen. For schools HOWTO[3] 显示了直接将红外LED连接在五号电池上的应用情况。 ▲图1.2....
There is a 3-ohm resistor in-line to the LED array. I don't have any info about the model or forward voltage for the LED array, but if I'm increasing the supply amp capacity, can I assume proportionally I'd need about a 7-ohm resistor? Is a 2W resistor sufficient? The existing ...
Because of the risk of excess voltage damaging the device, a good LED driver circuit is a constant current source. If high efficiency is not required, an approximation to a current source made by connecting the LED in series with a current limiting resistor to a voltage source may be substit...
*Operating temperature: -20°C to +85°C 1.8 - 2.3 VDC typical (current limiting resistor required) *Storage temperature: -30°C to +100°C Mounting hole size: 0.249 -0.252" (6.32 - 6.40 mm) Electrical connection Panel thickness: 0.031 - 0.062" (.787 - 1.57 mm)...
The LED with a built-in resistor integrates the external current-limiting resistor and meanwhile does not increase an original volume of the LED, enhances the antistatic capability of the LED chip, omits many steps in subsequent production processing and saves installation space.熊广平...
Abstract. A novel microprocessor interface circuit is described whichcan alternately emit and detect light using only an LED, two digitalI/O pins and a single current limiting resistor. Thistechnique is firstapplied to create a smart illumination system that uses a single LED asboth light source ...
and it is only suitable for the circuit with a large number of LEDs. The addition of current limitingresistor can restrain the sudden change of current at the cost of power consumption. In order to restrain the currentmutat...
Electrical Programmable Read-only Memory(电可抹只读存诸器)EEPROM: Electrical Erasbale Programmable Read-only Memory(电可抹可编程只读存储器)CMOS: Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor(互补金属氧化物半导体)BIOS: Basic Input Output System(基本输入输出系统)Transistor:电晶体LED:发光二极体Resistor:电阻...