在此必需特别说明的是荧光材料的效率指标,亦可以使用能量转换效率(Energy efficiency;EE;ηEE)来表示,其定义为: EE =(Output or emitted power)/(Input or emitted power) = QE×SE 此为荧光材料进行光转换所释放出光能(或功率)与其所吸收光能(或功率)的比值。光散射转换效率(Scattering Efficiency)乃是荧光粉应...
GPIO 简介 :英文全称General-Purpose Input / Output Ports, 中文翻译为 : 通用输入输出端口; 1.GPIO 作用 :很多结构简单的外部设备 或者 电路 只要求两种状态 : 开或关, GPIO 端口 只用于传输 开关 信号, CPU 通过 GPIO 端口来操作这些简单的设备; 2.串口 和 USB 作用 :用于传输复杂数据, 因此简单的 开关...
Basic input and output using a button and LED. Contribute to androidthings/sample-button development by creating an account on GitHub.
The output current should not exceed the rated cur¬rent of the LEDs used. The LED current thermal de-rating should be considered to protect the LEDs. The maximum voltage of an LED string the demo board can drive is limited by the duty cycle and the input voltage of the LT3496. The ...
TM1650 是一种带键盘扫描接口的LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路。内部集成有MCU输入输出控制数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 驱动、键盘扫描、辉度调节等电路。TM1650 性能稳定、质量可靠、抗干扰能力强,可适用于24 小时长期连续工作的应用场合。 二、特性说明 ...
input rst_n; // 全局复位信号,低电平有效 input clk; // 全局时钟信号,50MHz input key_data; // 键值输入 output led_data; // led状态 //*** // 变量定义 //*** wire key_flag; //***
up (boost) or both (buck-boost) functions. They are also capable of achieving high conversion efficiencies across wide input/output range. Replacing the linear regulator with a buck-based LED driver in the previous example yields 95 to 98 percent efficiency across the 5-to-12 volt input ...
input [LED_WIDTH-1:0] led_value, output reg [LED_WIDTH-1:0] led_data ); //--- always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) led_data <= {LED_WIDTH{1'b0}}; else if(led_en) led_data <= led_value; else led_data <= led_data...