读音:美[´pensəld]英[´pensəld] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 pencilled中文翻译 adj.用铅笔写的 v.用笔写(pencil的过去分词) pencilled是什么意思网络解释 细线条 pencilled词态变化 原级:pencil 第三人称单数:pencils 复数:pencils 现在分词:pencilling ...
18.Stop clacking yourpencils! 18.别弄得铅笔噼啪乱响! 评价该例句:好评差评指正 19.Don't bear hard on thepencil, it will break. 19.别使劲压铅笔, 不然会断。 评价该例句:好评差评指正 20.The teacher issued paper andpencilsto all the children. ...
led发音与在集合中发现的e相同,而lead发音与在舰队中发现的e相同。另一个不同之处在于它们的形式:led是过去的简单和动词的过去分词。LEDwritten in all caps is an acronym for light-emitting diode and it is pronounced one letter at a time, just like USA. 全部大写的LED是发光二极管的首字母缩写词,...
8.But I can with my pencils and brushes. 但我可以用铅笔和画笔去表达 9.Why don't you pencil us in for... now. 那你不如马上就把我们...加进日程 10.I thought it was the pencil sharpener. 我当时以为是卷笔刀的声音 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词pencilled的翻译英语含义,如有错漏...
US$4.49 / Piece Professional Art Painting 72 Colored Pencils Sets Watercolor Colour Pencil Kit with Handbag Canvas Folding Bag US$7.89 / Set Product Groups Product Catalogs Christmas items PROMOTIONAL Board game Stationery Puzzle Paper...
生簿;pencil铅笔;tentatively试验性地;pencils铅笔; 英语例句库 1.He revolved thepencilbetween his fingers. 他转动着夹在手指间铅笔。 2.There is apencilin the box. 匣子里有一枝铅笔。 3.Each student should have apenciland pad. 每个学生应该有一支铅笔和一本拍纸簿。
Sheets or plates of lead used as a covering for roofs. A roof covered with lead sheets or terne plates. A thin cylinder of black lead or plumbago (graphite) used in pencils. Bullets; ammunition. The act of leading or conducting; guidance; direction, course ...
Square Shape Carpenter Pencil Personalized 24cm Basswood Material Flat Hb Pencils for Carpenter Construction Pencil US$0.16-0.25 / Piece Custom Logo 7 Inch Natural Wood Flat Bulk Hb Pencils for Carpenter Promotional Small Square Shape Carpenter Pencil US...
Novelty Medical Theme Nurse Sticky Notepad Set for Hospital US$1.20-1.50 / Set Eco Friendly White Wood Pencils with Custom Logo for Student US$0.04-0.08 / Piece Promotional Customized Plastic Rolling Paper Banner Ball Pen for Advertising US$0.06-0.15 / Piece Customi...
US$4.49 / Piece Professional Art Painting 72 Colored Pencils Sets Watercolor Colour Pencil Kit with Handbag Canvas Folding Bag US$7.89 / Set Product Groups Product Catalogs Christmas items PROMOTIONAL Board game Stationery Puzzle Paper Tube Notebook...