驱动电路定义: 驱动电路(Drive Circuit),位于主电路和控制电路之间,用来对控制电路的信号进行放大的中间电路(即放大控制电路的信号使其能够驱动功率晶体管),称为驱动电路。 驱动电路的作用:将控制电路输出的PWM脉冲放大到足以驱动功率晶体管—开关功率放大作用。 例如:运放+三极管 驱动电路的介绍 基本任务 驱动电路的基...
高亮度LED的工作电流一般为几百mA。为了延长LED的工作寿命,电流必须保持恒定;电源从本质上说是一个电流驱动器。可以通过几种方案实现,一个简单而且低成本的解决方案是:采用专用的电流模式PWM控制器IC,例如MAX16802。该器件的优点是: 高集成度—所需的外围元件很少 高达262kHz开关频率 微小的8引脚µMAX封装 较小的...
DC-DC LED Driver IC DC-DC LED driver ICs with efficiencies up to 98%, dimming level down to 0.5% Infineon offers highly integrated DC-DC LED driver ICs that support currents up to 1.5A, making these drivers the ideal choice for high- and ultra-high-power LEDs. These highly integrated ...
DC-DC LED Driver IC DC-DC LED driver ICs with efficiencies up to 98%, dimming level down to 0.5% Infineon offers highly integrated DC-DC LED driver ICs that support currents up to 1.5A, making these drivers the ideal choice for high- and ultra-high-power LEDs. These highly integrated ...
LED DRIVE CIRCUITPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To erase a dedicated driver IC by making discrete in an LED drive circuit.KITA TATSUYA喜多 達也
产品: LED Driver with PMW Circuit 类型: Automotive LED Driver 宽度: 7.8 mm 商标: ROHM Semiconductor 拓扑结构: Boost, Buck-boost 湿度敏感性: Yes 产品类型: LED Lighting Drivers 工厂包装数量: 2000 子类别: Driver ICs 零件号别名: BD18351EFV-M 单位重量: 508.270 mg PDF资料 集成电路(IC)-驱动...
Coilcraft offers a variety of tools and resources to help facilitate the selection of power inductors for LED driver circuits. Browse today.
驱动电路(Drive Circuit),位于主电路和控制电路之间,用来对控制电路的信号进行放大的中间电路(即放大控制电路的信号使其能够驱动功率晶体管),称为驱动电路。 2018-08-03 08:50:34 有刷电机单开关电路驱动、半桥电路驱动方法 本文将介绍通过有刷电机“单开关电路”和“半桥电路”进行驱动的方法。两种方法均适用直流驱...
MP3302 is a boost converter IC specifically designed for LED drive applications (check out if need to pick up this: led driver basics and its circuit design guide
品名 LED 驱动器 IC 物料类型 原装 产品说明 具有自适应功率控制功能的 4 通道高电流 LED 驱动器 体积 4mm x 4mm 特色服务 LED 驱动器 IC 功率 0.1 批号 2021 数量 20000 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广...