Deckeneinbauleuchten für Innen: LED-Downlights, Wandfluter & Einbaustrahler sind perfekt für eine hochwertige Beleuchtung.
Led Luxus k9 Kristall Kronleuchter Pendel leuchten Decken leuchte Luxus Gold Led Moderne k9 Kronleuchter Kristall Noch keine Bewertungen Zhongshan Talin Lighting Co., Ltd.Sonderanfertiger5 yrsCN Previous slideNext slide Previous slideNext slideHaupteigenschaften Branchenspezifische Material Eisen Farben...
In outdoor areas, surface-mounted luminaires are used due to quite pragmatic considerations: the decision in favour of lighting concepts with surface-mounted LED luminaires considerably reduces the installation complexity, for example in the case of solid ceilings or on beams. Surface-mounted ...