Lectures on Aesthetics by HegelFinciPredrag
《黑格尔美学讲演录(导读注释本)Hegel''s Aesthetics Lectures on(世界学术经典系 9787532782901》,作者:黑格尔美学讲演录(导读注释本)Hegel''s Aesthetics Lectures on(世界学术经典系 9787532782901黑格尔著,李兴福导读注释 著,出版社:上海译文出版社,ISBN:97
Christianity, with its code of unworldliness, had compromised the immediacy of man's relationship with reality, and ironic detachment had alienated him from his deepest feelings. Hegel's "Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics" were delivered in Berlin in the 1820s and stand today as a passionately...
作者:Georg Wilhelm Friedr Hegel 出品人: 页数:240 译者:Bernard Bosanquet 出版时间:2004-1-4 价格:USD 16.00 装帧:Paperback isbn号码:9780140433357 丛书系列: 图书标签:美学哲学Hegel黑格尔艺术德国艺术史政治学 Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ...
哲学家黑格尔Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Aesthetics Lectures on Fine Art Volume II英文原版哲学论著著作代表作电子书电子版下载 2 星级: 90 页 哲学家黑格尔Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Aesthetics Lectures on Fine Art Volume II英文原版哲学论著著作代表作电子书电子版下载_2 星级: 90 页 哲学家黑格尔Geor...
《Aesthetics:Lectures on Fine Art Volume II》作者:Oxford University Press, USA,出版社:1998年12月,ISBN:。InhisAestheticsHegelgivesfullexpressiontohissemina
摘要: AESTHETICS LECTURES ON FINE ART BY GWF HEGEL Translated by TM Knox VOLUME ICLARENDON PRESS - OXFORD But what is still more difcult is Hegel's main thesis that notonly has art a meaning but that we can now state in plain prose what that meaning is....
Hegel's Aesthetics presents his seminal art theory。 He surveys art history from ancient India, Egypt & Greece to the Romantic movement, criticizes major works & probes their meaning。 Examples give scope for his judgment, vividly expositing his theory。 His Introduction exposits of his phi...
黑格尔Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel美学著作代表作思想评论Aesthetics Lectures On Fine Art - Volume II英文1 上传人:bookmaker·上传时间:2015-11-03 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 继续阅读