For students, free voice recorder software is the best choice. However, some software with affordable price is also a good option.ConclusionAndroid devices. They all have unique benefits and advantages, like transcript your lecture recordings to text. You can use them based on your need and pref...
• Students: Record and transcribe lectures and classes. • Professionals: Document meetings and interviews accurately. • Creators: Turn audio or video ideas into text for content creation. • Everyday Users: Convert voice memos or conversations into text easily. ...
• Students: Record and transcribe lectures and classes. • Professionals: Document meetings and interviews accurately. • Creators: Turn audio or video ideas into text for content creation. • Everyday Users: Convert voice memos or conversations into text easily. ...
observation acts as a passive recorder of what occurs. The events occur naturally and are not controlled by the observer. OK, in today's lecture, we have focused on how to make decisions of sampling before beginning our observation, and what we can do during observation. I hope what we've...
Miss White turns on the recorder and leaves. The meeting ends a little earlier. Miss White decides to go back to her students. She stands for a moment outside the lecture room, listening to her own voice. Then quickly, she open the door. To her surprise, the room is empty. As she ...
Then she put a small tape recorder (录音机) on the desk, “You see, I've recorded my lecture and you can listen to it without me.” Miss Evans turned on the recorder and left. The meeting ended a little early. Miss Evans decided to go back to her students. She stood for a ...
15、nti on-researcher: a passive recorder1: rarely formal records2: systematic objective manner3: variable4: situati on sampli ng5: vary6: adva ntage 7: as it occurs8:have10: method In terviewmore con trol9: in n atural sett ing2011Classifications of CulturestheAccordingto Edward Hall, ...
The listener is not a tape recorder, absorbing the speaker's words and putting them into his or her brain. 听者不是录音机,不能只是听了别人的话并存入大脑中。 Rather, listening involves hearing the speaker's words and reinterpreting them, adding information if necessary. 相反,倾听包括听讲者说话...
1、2015英语专业八级听力第一部分MINI-LECTURELISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREUnderstanding Academic LecturesListening to academic lectures is an important task fro university students. Them how can we comprehend a lecture efficiently?I. Understand all (1)A. wordsB. (2) -stress-intonation(3...
both A an d B(2)T h e students wer e surprise d to know Miss Evans[] A . couldn't giv e a lecture B. h a d bought a tap e recorder C. h a d recorde d her lecture D. woul d hav e a meeting(3)Miss Evans recorde d her lectur e so that whil e sh e was away.[]...