My planned remake of the Textweek site did not materialize. I am going to attempt to do updates with the current format, conceentrating on removing resources that no longer exist. You can find an index for all of Year C in the bottom part of the right hand index. ...
Mercy seems to be the theme of all the lections this week. Looks like I'm pretty much alone in using the Genesis reading as my main text. I will be drawing upon both Matthew & Romans as I develop my thoughts for the sermon. However, I have often been struck by the ways in which ...
For each First Lesson, Second Lesson, and Gospel text there's a call to worship, an invocation/collect, a prayer of confession, and suggested hymns. This complete collection offers a wide selection of practical aids for creating sincerely reverent, meaningful worship. "The creative task of a ...
Or click on the Bible icon to view the full text of the passage cited. This lectionary covers the next thirty days. For full lists, see the seasons and years below. Sunday, January 19, 2025 Second Sunday after the Epiphany—Epiphany, Year C John 2:1-11 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Isaiah ...
Anyone who wants deeper insight into each week’s lectionary passages These background notes cover every assigned text in the Revised Common Lectionary for each Sunday and major observance throughout the year. Proper 17 | OT 22 | Pentecost 13, Cycle A (Ellingsen) ...
8:24 For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? 8:25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Comments: This week, I'm thinking of talking about spirit vs flesh as God's Eyes vs Commercial's...
I appreciate Mark’s economy with words. And yet, today’s gospel reading isanother one of those momentswhen things just happen too quickly in the text. From that perspective, this week the liturgical calendar invites us to pay attention to the time, long or short, that lies between Jesus...
("") + ggtitle(paste("Bible Coverage of Catholic Lectionary for", "Sundays and Major Feasts", sep = '\n')) + labs(caption = "Three Year Cycle") + facet_grid(SectionLabel ~ ., scales = "fixed") + getBaseTheme() + theme(strip.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold")...
“trinitiarian” text in the classic sense of what that means, it still depicts that close relationship, inseparable and mutual, without any part of the relationship being held above the other. It depicts who we are called to be and how we are to relate to others within this Kingdom of ...
I've not been able to check the text yet, and I'm pretty sure the reader wasn't cutting on the fly (sorry!), but it seemed to me that a lot of the point of the story was lost. My question, other than opinions about this; is the story told more than one place in scripture?