Analytical and scientific laboratories depend on LECO instrumentation. LECO has been a leader in analytical lab solutions since 1936.
Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Leco Corporation (St. Joseph, MI, US) Primary Class: 382/141 Other Classes: 382/199 International Classes: G06K9/00;G01N3/08;G01N3/42;G01N3/00;G01N3/06 Field of Search: ...
Articles Interviews News Equipment Webinars eBooks Address 3000 Lakeview Avenue St. Joseph MI,49085 United States Phone:+1 269 985 5496 Fax:+1 269 982 8977 Visit WebsiteRequest Information/QuoteDownload PDF Copy In 1936, the Laboratory Equipment Company introduced the first rapid carbon determinator...
St. Joseph, Mich.—LECO Corporation has introduced a pulsed EI ionization source for the Pegasus GC-HRT. This new add-on option is designed to improve the instrument’s sensitivity capabilities by an order of magnitude, from 1 pg (1,000 fg) to 100 fg. Pulsed EI works ...
Contact: LECO Corporation 3000 Lakeview Ave. St. Joseph | MI | 49085 T 269 985 5496
S-144DR Dual Range Sulfur Analyzer INSTRUCTION MANUAL Software Version 1.3 Part Number 200-618 February 2004 Patents are Pending in U.S.A. and other countries © 2004 LECO Corporation Minor revisions may not be reflected in this manual. LECO Corporation 3000 Lakeview Avenue • St. Joseph, ...
CS230Carbon/SulfurDeterminator SoftwareVersionDSP1.0xWindows1.0xPartNumber200-297 December2005PatentsarePendinginU.S.A.andothercountries ©2005LECOCorporationMinorrevisionsmaynotbereflectedinthismanual. LECOCorporation3000LakeviewAvenue•St.Joseph,MI49085-2396Phone:***-***-***•Fax:***-***-***in...
3000LakeviewAvenueSt.Joseph,MI49085•Phone:800-292-6141•Fax:269-982-8977 info@leco•.leco•ISO-9001:2000•No.FM24045•LECOisaregisteredtrademarkofLECOCorporation. ® DeliveringtheRightResults Advancedsolutionsforyourmost demandingcarbon/sulfurrequirements. ...
(Basel)September 11, 2023Katarzyna Lejda, Magdalena Ziąbka, Zbigniew Olejniczak, Jerzy Franciszek Janikstandard deviation value in each case. The oxygen and hydrogen contents were directly determined with theONH836elemental analyzer (Leco Corporation, St. Joseph, MI, USA) using 0.01–0.02 g...
LECO Corporation 3000 Lakeview Ave. St. Joseph, MI, 49085 T 269 985 5496,