Sunflower lecithin is available in powder, liquid, and capsule forms. It can be added to smoothies, baked goods, coffee, or simply taken as a supplement. The recommended dosage varies depending on individual needs, but generally, 1-2 tablespoons of liquid or 1-2 capsules per day are conside...
15–23g/day (Potteret al., 2009). Since response is expected within a few days, the dose can gradually be titrated in accordance with response and onset of any adverse effects. No upper limit for lecithin ingestion has been established, but dosage in adults has not been studied beyond 30g...
(44) also demonstrated that while transgenic overexpression of scavenger receptor BI uniformly resulted in low HDL concentrations, atherosclerosis outcome depended on the composition of the experimental diet and gene dosage of LDLr. Thus, genetic manipulations that lower HDL concentrations do not necessaril...
Patients usually tend to pay more attention to topical dosage forms because of the convenient administration. No skilled person is required for administration and drugs will not be degraded by acid or enzymes. The effective concentration can be applied at the desired site without painful delivery ...