Over 99% of all lichens are found in the Ascomycota, and by far the largest lichenized clade is Lecanoromycetes, containing 78% of all lichens, followed by Arthoniomycetes (8%), Eurotiomycetes (6.5%), Dothideomycetes (4%), Lichinomycetes (2%), and Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota; ...
Lecanoromycetes is the class of Ascomycota with the largest number of lichen-forming fungi. Members of this class are important components of most terrestrial ecosystems and occur in various habitats and on different substrates, from tropical to polar re
2015. Phylogeny of the Acarosporaceae (Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi) and the evolution of carbonized ascomata. Fungal Diversity 73:145-158. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13225-015-0325-xWestberg M, Millanes AM, Knudsen K, Wedin M. 2015. Phylogeny of the Acarosporaceae (Lecanoro...
Lecanoromycetes O.E.Erikss. & Winka, Myconet 1(1): 7 (1997). [MycoBank #501486] Synonyms Ramalinomycetes Chevall., Fl. Gén. Env. Paris 1: 585. 1826 (“Ramalinei”). Notice: Ramalinomycetes 1826 has a priority over Lecanoromycetes 1997. References Eriksson, O.E. & Win...
RAxML and Bayesian analyses of newly generated sequence data from the mitochondrial ribosomal RNA small subunit provide clear evidence that these two species do not belong to the Arthoniomycetes, but to the Lecanoromycetes. In our phylogenetic analyses, O. multipuncta is nested in the genus ...
(Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota) in North America: New species, new reports, and preliminary keys. Brittonia 62 (3): 267 – 292 . [New species: L. barbatica Lendemer, L. cryophila Lendemer, L. disjuncta Lendemer, L. moroziana Lendemer, L. terricola Lendemer, and L. xanthonica...
Divisio:Ascomycota Subdivisio:Pezizomycotina Classis:Lecanoromycetes Subclassis: Incertae sedis Genera: Auriculora - Bartlettiella - Biatoridium - Bilimbia - Boreoplaca - Botryolepraria - Bouvetiella - Buelliastrum - Collolechia - Corticifraga - Corticiruptor - Eschatogonia - Haploloma - ...
Kukwa M, Kosecka M, Jabłońska A, Flakus A, Rodriguez-Flakus P, Guzow-Krzemińska B (2023) Pseudolepraria, a new leprose genus revealed in Ramalinaceae (Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes, Lecanorales) to accommodate Lepraria stephaniana. MycoKeys 96: 97–112. https://doi.org/10.3897/myco...
Nayaka. 2010 . A new species of non-lichenized genus Stictis (Ostropales, Lecanoromycetes) from India. Mycotaxon 113: 157 – 162 . [New: Stictis subbrachyspora S. Joshi & Upreti sp. nov. (on bark) and S. himalayanus (Nayaka & Upreti) S. Joshi & Upreti comb. nov.]....
classist嘅發音 classist [en] 클래스嘅發音 클래스 [ko] lớp嘅發音 lớp [vi] polyepoxides嘅發音 polyepoxides [en] arachnida嘅發音 arachnida [en] anallagmatic嘅發音 anallagmatic [en] 幫Lecanoromycetes錄製發音 Lecanoromycetes [en] 待定發音 揀...