lebr0nli/README.md Hi there 🖖 I'm a graduate student in computer and communications security from Taiwan. My most familiar language is Python. I started to play CTF since early 2021, mainly focusing on web challenges, but I also like to solve some pwn and some pyjail/jsjail type ...
GEP (GDB Enhanced Prompt) - a GDB plug-in to enhance your GDB with fzf history search, fish-like autosuggestions, tab auto-completion with fzf, and more! - GEP/docker-compose.yml at main · lebr0nli/GEP
lebr0nli / bookroll_pdf_downloader Watch 1 Star 1 Fork 0 bookroll pdf download MIT License 1 star 0 forks Star Watch Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights main 1 branch 0 tags Go to file Code Clone HTTPS GitHub CLI Use Git or checkout with SVN...
# You could also choose other directories to install GEP if you want git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/lebr0nli/GEP.git ~/.local/share/GEP ~/.local/share/GEP/install.shEnjoy! Important After the installation, the script will automatically add source /path/to/GEP/gdbinit-gep.py ...
lebr0nli update link into README Oct 29, 2020 d4760da·Oct 29, 2020 History History Bookroll PDF Downloader! 由於bookroll實在太難用了,平時閒置一下就要重登入,用手機看著bookroll網頁上的教材也很憋屈,期中考前個晚上還會掛掉... 所以就用python寫了一個小工具,批量下載任何教材的pdf,如此即可離線...
Contributor lebr0nli commented Oct 18, 2024 This PR is for my HW3. A good PR should include the following parts: Provide a clear title Provide meaningful descriptions in the PR and the commit logs Name your branch like <github-user-name>-hw#, e.g., myname-hw2-attempt1 Merge from...
bookroll pdf download. Contribute to lebr0nli/bookroll_pdf_downloader development by creating an account on GitHub.
GEP (GDB Enhanced Prompt) - a GDB plug-in to enhance your GDB with fzf history search, fzf tab auto-completion, fish-like autosuggestions, and more! - GEP/gdbinit-gep.py at main · lebr0nli/GEP
Contributor lebr0nli commented Feb 13, 2023 • edited Create a new option, exception-use-rich, to use the rich module to print the full stacktrace (Use rich.console.Console().print_exception()) With set exception-use-rich + set exception-verbose: Edit: Will always use rich if it's...