Ola Boutros, senior advisor to the minister of social affairs, noted that the decrease in UNRWA funding burdens the Lebanese government, considering its financial inability in light of the compounded financial crises since 2019, which has plunged 82 percent of the population into multidimensional pove...
Whereas at independence, gained in 1943, the population was one-half Christian and one-half Muslim, a higher birth rate among Shiite Muslims upset this balance and was one of the causes of the civil war. Estimates in the 1990s reveal a population composed of nearly 70 percent Muslims and 30...
make up more than one-fifth of the population. A number of other Christian communities are also present, including theGreek Orthodoxand theGreek Catholics. TheDruzeconstitutea small percentage of the population but play an influential role in Lebanese society. There is also a very small Jewish ...