Oddly, both my parents were more at ease than I was when the giant evergreen out front had to go. They said they might have also added the big deck if they were staying. Their new smaller home had one. In the twenty-six years they lived in that new house my mom grew splendid rose...
A quick study, Quincy learned to lie down, bow, and turn in a circle in no time. He is house-trained, jumps in the back of my SUV when I say “load up,” and spends the day roaming with my dogs, whom he considers his herd...
They are located just outside Oswego, NY, on the shores of Lake Ontario. Just one week ago, Unit 1–the older reactor–declared an “unusual event” as the result of a fire in an electrical panel. Then, on Monday, the reactor scrammed because of a grid disturbance, likely caused by ...